It is interesting because as I read “From the Sanctuary to the Streets “ by Wendy McCaig I realized that even though I know most of the folks in the book their story really came to life for me. I have seen first hand from my experience with Embrace Richmond that hope is a powerful force and when hope is teamed with the power of resurrection incredible things happen. I have spent the last fifteen years in youth ministry in the local church and one of the things that we in the Church have lost is the power of the Resurrection, the power of a God sized dream that is at work redeeming the broken and shattered pieces of life. In the Church the Resurrection has become more about more people than normal showing up then it is about God restoring Hope to the world, restoring life from death and victory in the face of defeat. Wendy has reminded me that there is great power in the dream because a dream means we have not yet given up the fight, there is still a chance and more importantly there is still hope. It is the possibility of things unseen. A city united to embrace all is a crazy dream one that by our power will not happen but a God sized dream reminds us that God is in control and wants to do in us more than we thought possible. We must hold on to that hope to dream God sized dreams , believe that the impossible is possible and live as people of a resurrection story.
Buy the book or Google Wendy McCaig