I have been thinking a lot lately about living in a missional community and what exactly that means. Working in the city I have plenty of chances to live out a missional call, serving alongside people who are different from me. It is great and often I think well maybe it is time to move into town into an under resourced area and live in a missional community in that way. How cool is that to live in that sort of intentional way loving and caring for those around us. But lately I have realized that I am living in a missional community now or at least the potential is there.
Here is what I mean, we intentionally walk around our neighborhood everyday, we say hello to as many people as we can and we actually really like hanging out with our neighbors. We know our neighbors by name and they come over to our house all the time as we go over to theirs. We are now talking about our yearly block party which this summer which will be Epic. We are really trying to live in this community with intentional purpose and offering hospitality to our friends. The truth is that as much as living in the city would be cool , we need community in the burbs too. In fact we need community no matter where we live. As followers of Christ we ought to be those people no matter where we live, we can live in intentional and missional ways without having to move. The truth is that poverty exist everywhere , it may mask itself in different forms but neighbors in need are everywhere. It is just up to us if we choose to answer the call of those in need. Can we offer Christ in such a way that it makes where we live a better place. Where people know one another and share in the journey that is life. I think if we live in such a way we can help bring forth the Kingdom of God even if it is in the burbs. So it is not about where you live but more about how we live. So here is the challenge , do you know your neighbors name, do you know anything about the lady up the street? If not let me offer this advice go for a walk and say hello to those you pass . You will be surprised where those hello will lead you.